About Us
Here at Tidal Marsh we were born with a little pluff mud between our toes, sand in our hair and sunburn on our shoulders. We grew up along the tidal marshes of the South Carolina coast. From the time we were old enough to drive a boat we have caught fish, shot ducks, shrimped, gathered oysters, camped and done just about anything you can think of (including drinking a LOT of beer) in the salt marshes from Currituck all the way down to Marathon and back around to Matagorda. There is just something about a Tidal Marsh that has got us hooked, and won’t let us go.
We have raised our families in the same way our father’s raised us and today, they all enjoy and appreciate the marsh the same way we do. It is our favorite place to be regardless of the season. From hunting, to fishing, to cruising, you will catch us out there all year long.
When making Tidal Marsh we decided that we want to make a difference while we grow as a brand. We want to help preserve these Tidal Marshes that have given us so much joy throughout the years. So, we are going to donate a portion of our profits back into preserving, protecting and restoring the Tidal Marshes of the lowcountry.
In doing so, we promise to make high quality clothing and gear that is simple, versatile, comfortable and equally at home in the marsh or water and do so in an environmentally responsible way with total transparency to all of our customers on how we make it.
We hope you enjoy our gear and your time out on the marsh.
-Haywood & George